How to make Wicker Plant Pots from Newspaper Tubes

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Wicker plant pots can be a great addition to any garden, as they have an attractive natural look and are also easy to make. With just a few supplies, you can create your own Wicker Plant Pots from newspaper tubes in no time. Here’s how:

Step 1: Gather Your Materials

To make Wicker Plant Pots, you will need newspaper tubes, scissors, glue, and masking tape.

Step 2: Cut The Tubes

Cut the newspaper tubes into four equal length pieces using your scissors.

Step 3: Begin Wicker Weave

Begin by taking two of the cut pieces and overlapping them at one end. Secure them with a piece of masking tape.

Step 4: Continue Wicker Weave

Next, take the third piece and weave it through the previous two pieces. Secure with another piece of masking tape. Finally take the fourth piece and weave it through the other three pieces in a similar fashion to complete your Wicker Plant Pot base.

Step 5: Secure Wicker Weave

Once you have completed your Wicker Plant Pot base, use the glue to secure all of the pieces together. Allow it to dry completely before continuing.

Step 6: Add Soil and Plant

Fill your Wicker Plant Pot with soil and add your desired plant. Once it is planted, place it in a sunny spot in your garden or yard and enjoy! Your Wicker Plant Pot is now ready to beautify your outdoor space.

With just a few supplies, you can easily make Wicker Plant Pots from newspaper tubes in no time at all. They are an attractive addition to any garden and make for a great DIY project for the whole family. Get creative and make Wicker Plant Pots for all of your favorite plants!

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