How to make attractive Organizers

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If you are like me, you have a lot of cardboard lying around. Instead of letting it go to waste, why not make a cardboard organizer? This is a great way to declutter your space and get organized at the same time. Plus, it’s really easy to make! Here’s how you can do it:

  • Step 1. Choose the size of your organizer. You can make one that is just for paper clutter or one that is bigger and can hold other types of items.
  • Step 2. Cut out two pieces of cardboard in the shape you want your organizer to be. Make sure the pieces are big enough to comfortably hold all of your stuff!
  • Step 3. Glue or tape the two pieces together.
  • Step 4. Decorate your organizer however you want! You can use stickers, washi tape, or even paint if you want.
  • Step 5. Fill up your organizer with all of your stuff and enjoy your new decluttered space!

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